At Peace Lutheran, grow closer to God, create lasting relationships with others, and share the love of Jesus with the world.
We are committed to creating a welcoming environment for you and your family. We believe lives are transformed through Jesus Christ. So join us and deepen your faith in Him, create friendships that will last a lifetime, and make a difference in your home
and community.
We are called to “equip people to join God in His mission, bringing others into an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ.”
Join us Sunday mornings at 8:15 or 10:30 in our Sanctuary. These services follow a more liturgical format, with lights up, and hymn singing.
We also have a Monday Night Service at 6:30pm, in the Sanctuary
Join us Sunday mornings at 8:30 or 10:45 in the Life Center. These services will feel more modern, with lights down in the room, and a praise band leading music.
We offer Kids and Youth Ministries featuring fun, age-appropriate ways to connect with others and learn about Jesus. Check it out!
Our dedicated team of pastors and staff are here to provide spiritual guidance and support - as well as resources to help you on your faith journey.
Comfort Dogs are a bridge for compassionate ministry about faith and creating opportunities to share the love of Jesus Christ.